About Sadia
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination”.
– Jimmy Dean
Sadia Southgate
Authentically Anchored (Pty) Ltd. Founder

Sadia Southgate is a Registered Counsellor, registered with the HPCSA. Her journey started as a young girl when she decided to make a difference in the lives of others. Her passion was so strong that she pursued tertiary education as a foundation for her purpose. She completed her Higher Certificate in Community Counselling, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology (Bpsych Equivalent) at Cornerstone Institute. She started working at an NGO as a volunteer and continued until her Practical year was completed in 2019. She has experience in various local schools as well as two organizations. She was privileged to work alongside influential leaders and social workers.
Counselling has become a part of her life and she believes that we should all strive to be our true authentic self. For her, counselling is not just a career but her calling where she can see how her purpose fuels her passion. Working as an effective, competent counsellor is what drives the level of integrity and willingness to see a difference in her clients’ lives.
Sadia’s ultimate goal as a counsellor is to create a space for her clients that is AUTHENTICALLY ANCHORED. To be authentic is to be real, genuine, and original and to be true to who you are, without judgments or labels. To be anchored means to be safe and secured. In the same manner, an anchor is safe and secure to help control a ship in bad weather. Our stories are filled with broken pieces and it is also filled with a major comeback.